Mac engelska


One course is a booklet and a videorecording. Courses are for mac. Click on booklet an print it out by print icon. Click on video save it on harddisk.When you click on video it will run by Quick Time Player.

If you miss something in these coursesmaybee some other course may help you f.ex.a window course if you have Word on your mac. Everything is still free.


Step 1 Basic course: Memories, folders and files

Inside and outside memories, clean USB-memory, studying keyboard, wordprocessor Texteditor, 9 files saved in root of USB memory, why folders, create folders, moveing files to folders, delete files, changeing names of files, copmpare USB and harddisc, USB as backup.

Mac                     Booklet                Video 1               Video 2                Video 3


Step 2 Basic course: Wordprocessing LibreOffice Writer  You must know Step 1

Format form/Paragraph form normal, pressing enter, marking text, copy, move, delete text, margins, fonts, format forms/paragraph forms, documents with many pages, head of page, foot of page, several windows at the same time.

Mac                     Booklet                Video 1               Video 2                Video 3               Video 4               Video 5


Step 3 Basic course: Internet  You must know Step 1,2

URL-adresses, searching information, leaving information, paying bills, creating mails, using mailprograms, encloseing files.

Mac                     Booklet                Video 1               Video 2                Video 3              


Step4: Working on distance  You must know Step 1,2,3

Installing mailprogram on your own computer, creating folders for mails, Lisa Andersson is working with with agreements and offerts, wordprocessing in mail programs, adressbook and groups, sending mails to groups, sendin big files, help by distance.

Mac                     Booklet                Video 1               Video 2                Video 3               Video 4              


Step 5: Webbpages  You must know Step 1, 2, 3, 4

Creating domain on a webbhotel, creating webbpage in HTLM-code, names of files in webbhotel, copying webpages to your hotel, webb editor, linked pages, creating pages in LibreOffice Writer, mail adress at, user leaving info on webbpages, pictures on webbpages.

Mac                     Booklet                Adresslist            Video 1                Video 2               Video 3               Video 4                                                                                                                     


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